Kamis, 18 Agustus 2016

Cookie Run

         Hello again at my 2nd  page ! Now I’m gonna tell you about Cookie Run.Cookie run is a game, where you should help the cookies escape from the oven. 

         So the story is, when the cookies were in dough condition, suddenly Brave Cookie, was given a power to feel, and everything same-like human with his fragile body, he heard that the Witch will eat them cruelly, with his touch, he could awake all cookies there, there were Bright Cookies that made by lollipop beside her, Strawberry cookie with her Strawberry costume, Muscle Cookie with his big muscles, Cloud cookie with his fluffy cotton candy hair, Coffee cookie with her sweet warm coffee and manyyy more !

          I recommend this game for you because it is soo fun I can’t even tell you xx. Cookie run is available in iOS and Google Play.

          Also, how to play this game is, there are 2 buttons those are located at the bottom left and right. The left one is jump and the right one is slide

Hasil gambar untuk cookie run playing screen

These are the characters, but the deck has been expanded to.. approx like 50 cookies for the total.\

Hasil gambar untuk cookie run playing screen

These are the buttons !

Sorry for the blur pictures T^T, I stole them from internet but I promise, I will post my REAL playing to all of you ! Also add me on LINE : davidimmanuel17, let’s be friends !

BYE BYE !!!!!! 

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