Kamis, 15 Desember 2016


 Thomas Alva Edison.
Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, 1847, but his parents moved to Michigan in 1854 and grow there. But he only entered the school for 3 months because the teachers there considered him as a foolish student.

After that, he started to fulfill his curiousity by making a small laboratory under his house, and he started to work as a candy and newspaper seller in the train station in Detroit.

Then several years after that, there was a war that makes Edison feel to make his own newspaper named Weekly Hearld, and his newspapers sold a lot.

Then, he almost lost his hearing because the train station was so noisy, then in 1877 hi focused on founding the lamp because there was no lamp.

But you all know, it's difficult to found conductor ingredients and finally in 21 October 1879 he made a lamp that could shine 40 hours long.
The first lamp.

Then, answer these questions :

1. When Edison was born ?
A. 1555
B. 900 BC
C. 1847
D. 2003
E. Not mentioned.

2. Edison entered school for ...
A. 12 years
B. 8 years
C. 3 months
D. 1 month
E. 20 years

3. He worked as ... in ... in ...
A. Newspaper and candy seller, train conductor, Miami.
B. Candy and Balloon seller, hotel, Detroit.
C. Newspaper and balloon seller, train station, Detroit
D. Newspaper and candy seller, train station, Essex.
E. Newspaper and candy seller, train station, Detroit.

4. Edison almost lost his hearing because...
A. He is stupid
B. The train station was so noisy so he fell
C. He got an accident
D. Train station was so noisy
E. Because of the war.

5. The lamp he found could shine for..
A. 40 days
B. 40 years
C. 40 seconds
D. 40 minutes
E. 2400 minutes

Answers ; 1. C, 2. C, 3. E, 4. D, 5. E

Interesting Place

Laghi de Fusine.
Picture 1.1 : Laghi de Fusine.

Why i choose Laghi de Fusine ? Because Laghi de Fusine is considered as the lake with the clearest water in the world. It took the 2nd place.

Laghi de Fusine is located in Friuli, Italy. Actually word 'Laghi de' means 'Lake' so the world called it Lake Fusine.

Picture 1.2 Laghi de Fusine geography map.

So, Laghi de Fusine was discovered by Alonzo Pe'tit Barbaria Fusine in 1892.

Why Fusine has the clearest water ? Because this water was come from glacier (ice) that melts until the lake that you can see now, so it has no chemical such thing reactions or etc, it also has beautiful fishes, and you can feel the fresh wafer of it. But, this lake has so many algae so if you throw something such oil, the oil will disappear by tomorrow.

It happened in 1962, 3 unresponsible people tried to damage this lake by pouring oil through all parts, but the oil is disappear like about 5 months because of the algae. You can search about the algae.

Since that tragedy the government made Natural Park of the Fusine Lake.

After you read the text above, answer the questions below :

1. Phrase 'Laghi de' means ?
A. Stupidity
B. Fishes
C. Poor kid
D. The lake
E. I don't know

2. Laghi de Fusine is located in ?
A. Somalia
B. France
C. Friuli
D. Australia
E. Italy

3. The oil disappear because of it's ?
A. Sulphur
B. Algae
C. Grass
D. Fishes
E. Root of the trees

4. We can conclude the founder of the lake is ?
A. Pia twins
B. Georgebush
C. Alonzo
D. Shinta
E. No one found it.

5. Why it has clear water ?
A. Because of the fishes
B. Because of the algae
C. Because it comes from melted glaciers
D. Because it come from meltes stones
E. Don't know.

Answer : 1. D, 2. C, 3. B, 4. C, 5. C

Selasa, 08 November 2016

Tale of the Frogs

Tale of the Frogs
Once upon a time, there were 4 frogs Jack, Pia, Bob, and Martina, they wanted to go to a big city that the other frog said you can get so much money there.
Also, there was an old frog, Supimpa, he is an evil frog that just wanted to use the other as a doll to reach his purpose.

And, these 4 frogs have different behavior, Jack is greedy, Pia is impatient, Bob is big-headed but Martina is wise.

So, they all five were told by Supimpa, that in the North city, there was so many foods to be brought to their village.

So, Jack ask to his friends “Hey, do you want to know something ? Supimpa said in the North city, we can get so much foods ! Do you guys want to join me ? Come on !”
‘OMG ! Of course I want ! wait for me !” Pia said
“Ok, I want  ! Martina, do you wanna join us too ? This would be an interesting trip !” Bob said.
“Guys, why you all still believe of his sayings ? He was lying to us ! Did you all realize it ? And of course I don’t want to join, I don’t want to be bulled again, no again !”
After it all, they started to go to Loom Desert, after 5 hours trip, they haven’t found their way to that city.
“Oh c’mon, we just walk walk and walk without any direction !” said Pia.
“Oh ok, I have an idea, Jack, can you go to Bob’s shoulders and see the city ? I don’t like waiting !” said Pia again.
After they did what Pia said, then Jack said :
“Oh look ! We just need more steps to reach it ! It’s so close to our position ! The big is just like our village !”
Then after 5 hours trip, they arrive at their village.
“Huh ???!!! What’s happened ? Why we arrived to our village ? Where’s the city ? said Bob.
“OMG ! I..i….i’m sorry, maybe when I saw at the desert, I was facing to our village !” said Jack
“It’s ok, as what I said, don’t believe his sayings, again, but it’s up to you” said Martina.

So, Supimpa was killed, and they live happily.

After you read the story, answer below questions :

1. Who is the wise frog ?
A. Martina
B. Jack
C. Pia
D. Bob
E. Supimpa.

2. They have walked about ... hours from their village ?

A. 100 hours.
B. 2,67 hours.
C. 3,34 hours.
D. 5 hours.
E. 10 hours.

3. They firstly thought the size of the city is ... with their village.

A. Bigger
B. Dry
C. Clean
D. Near
E. Same

4. Why they killed Supimpa ?
A. Because they are stupid.
B. Because they hate Supimpa since long time ago.
C. Because Supimpa is stupid.
D. Because Supimpa was lying to all of them
E. Because the readers are stupid.

5. What is the name of the city ?
A. Nortth
B. Norrth
C. North
D. Viva del vivo un catumm
E. Solanum el tomatum un der un vivax

Selasa, 01 November 2016


Hello! Welcome back with me again. This time I want to present about one animal that very cool (I think). I made this presentation with my friend, Dio and don’t forget to visit his blog too at dnrdys10intro.blogspot.com.

Don’t waste our time, straight to the topic, check this out!

What is octopus?
                Octopus is a sea animal that comes from Cephalopoda class. Generally it is bilaterally symmetric, it means if it is pulled out and divided by two, it’s symmetrical same. Octopus was discovered in 988 BC. For the complete informations :
·         Kingdom : Animalia
·         Phylum : Mollusca
·         Class : Cephalopoda
·         Order : Octopoda

Octopus Protection
                When octopus felt harmed / felt something dangerous, such as predators, sharks, human or something else, it injects it’s ink to blured it’s enemy sight, so octopus can escape safely.
                When Octopus felt harmed / something dangerous, it sprays toxic to it's enemy.

Octopus’s Camouflage
1.       Under the sand
When octopus feel something weird and seems dangerous, it hides under the sand.
2.       Rock
Same like under the sand, but it hides behind or ‘hug’ the rock, so the octopus is safe.

Octopus Lifecycle
Octopuses swim 8 hours per day. Octopus usually reproduces 200.000 eggs, but the eggs that alive, like around 30%. Also not all octopuses use ink, some of them use their poison to defeat their foe. The most popular poison is Blue Ring Octopus. Fact says that 20ml of it’s poison can kill 30 mouses or around 5 humans.

Okay… that’s all from me and if you want to see a full version of our presentation, you can contact me or Dio via email to get the file. The file contain some videos that can make you amaze. I download the videos at youtube.com and I edit the videos before I put them in our presentation file.
Thanks for reading, see you.

Questions :
1. As what we have mentioned above, Octopus protects itself by :
a. Hiding behind rock, ink, and explode
b. Hiding behind rocks, sprays ink, and hides under the sand
c. Ink and poison
d. Just ink
e. Hides behind rocks, sprays ink, poison and under the sand.

2. Octopus swims ... hours per day.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 8
e. all day long

3. Octopus usually reproduces ... eggs
a. 1,000,000
b. 300,000
c. 200,000
d. 123,456
e. 100

4. What phylum is Octopus ?
a. Mollusca
b. Animalia
c. Octopoda
d. Cephalopoda
e. Carnivore

5. What kind of Octopus is the most dangerous ?
a. Purple Axa Octopus
b. Poisinous Octopus
c. Blue Ring Octopus
d. All Octopuses are poisonous
e. Blue Ring Squid

Answers :
1. C, 2. D, 3.C, 4. A, 5. C

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2016


        There will be a meeting from the OSIS leader to all managers and participants at :
                Day/ Date : 6 October 2016
                Time : 14.00
                Place : SMAN 3’s New Hall

        To all managers, please come 15 minutes before the meeting started, use white uniform, and for the participants please don't late, thank you.

Press this link to see the video check this out! 

Selasa, 27 September 2016

My Unforgettable Moment

My Unforgettable Moment
Every people have their own experience, some of them are good, or bad, but now I will explain you about my unforgettable moment in my life.
Not much, my unforgettable moment was, when I accepted in Sman 3, every people say that is so hard to get accepted there. Also, this is my first experience to go to a Negeri school. Indeed, got accepted in Sman 3 was so hard, we must have about at least 373.5 for the NEM and it is a very high score (about 93 each lesson), so I’m very grateful to got accepted there.
And, the most unforgettable moment is, when I accepted to Acceleration programme, you all know to get accepted in this programme, our IQ must be above 130, and yes we were having a psychotest before. Also there are only 22 students of acceleration.
Ah, also I will tell you about, what acceleration is.
Acceleration is a programme that allowed you to have only 2 years of senior high school (SMA). When the others have 3 years, we have only 2 years, but in the other side, we must study hard, and not lazy, we will get so much works because we only have 2 years of Sn Highschool.

That’s all from me, Good bye ! See you in the next meeting JJJJJJ
Hasil gambar untuk buku

Selasa, 20 September 2016

WTTF (World Tournament Techno Festival)

World Tournament Techno Festival
On Saturday, 22nd August 2016, SMA Negeri 3 has a festival called WTTF (it is the shorten of World Tournament Techno Festival), it was fun, because, we ‘fight’ against the 12th and 11th grader, and we are divided into several teams (based on our class).

Also, each class has different dresscodes, those are red, blue, grey, yellow, etc. Also, it was held from 06.30 until 15.00, but I ‘join’ it started from 12.00 because we have religion lesson. Also, my class was X MIPA 6 with the red dresscode.

We have so many sessions, but after I joined it, our class’s next challenge was eating a spicy noodle, also, we must choose 2 people from our class, aswhat I remember, the 2 people are Otniel and Raihan, but our class lose the challenge.

After several minutes, we were brought to our school again and having a Game-Console challenge against 11th grader and our class lose again.
After that, we went to Lapangan Bali and having the last challenge, that was we must get the puzzle pieces from the 11th grader, we won and after it we made the puzzle.

Finally, we went home :)

Minggu, 11 September 2016

Megantara- The Culture Festival ☆

Hi everyone ! Been busy for a while tee hee so i'm not posting that often anymore.
And also, i'm here to bring you so many things, about MEGANTARA.🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

First of all, Megantara is a such thing Festival about Indonesia, cultures, and many more, it was held at 10th of September, 2016.🚨🚨🚨🚨

Based on it's name, Megantara = is a huge Nusantara (Indonesia).🌎🌏🌍
Megantara was so lit ! I can't even describe it with words! And ah, Megantara was held in Lapangan Bali, with the price of the ticket is 100 IDR, it's cheap ! Worth it 😆👌! Also, Megantara also has Changcuters and RAN as the Star Guess, i was there like until 9pm😪 and arrived home at 21.30.🏠🏡🏡.
Also, here it is, the photos of Megantara, i have lot of them :

Tadaaa, these are the photos, i have more but i think it's enough !

And, as what i remember, ... the fashion show of my clasa (Sci 6) is about Kalimantan. We borrow it from Evoy Prdctn.

And ah, i don't tell you about stands.
There are so many stands, white stands, and 2logo stands.
There are so many stands of foods, drinks, merchandise, and many more.
Also ofc there are various kinds of FOODSSS AND DRINKSSS 🍗🍟🍕🍟🍖🍬🍤🍻🍷🍷🍺, we can see various things there.
And, there is a huge stage, for the performance (and yes each class perfrom something like singing, etc) at there.

I think that's all from me, see you in the next meeting ! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2016

Horror, my another..

Pes, Horror is my another favourite ! I love something creepy especially creepy stories and movies ! I love them.
And, i know all horror or something psychopathics like Saw 1,2,3 all of them, The Conjuring started from the 1st one, if you met me someday jusy talk about it, i know everything ! And... my favourite is Insidious, and Jigsaw, they are just amazing films, that i couldn't agree more with their story plot, it is just amazing.
And, i myself don't put a trust on horror, actually, but i just imagine if that happened in my life, it would be hella scary, fml. The Conjurings are also recommended for you ! Especially the 2nd one but, if you wanna feel the real story, watch the first episode first.

 Here it is, i didn''t post the real picture bcs it is disgusting (blood etc)

Saw the series is a film that will make you frightened your hair out ! It is so... creepy, not creepy but, idk in Indonesian i will say it as 'menegangkan'. The story is like you have to escape from a psychopathic person that will spread all of his traps everywhere all around and just imagine, in this 'game' you will see your friends die one by one (included you), idk how to explain it but in this game, the winner is the one who died last.

                                          This is Insidious 1.

So, Insidious the Series (1-3) is, a story about the ghost (not ghost but seem-like supernatural thing) that lived and dwell in the boy's body for sometimes until the boy get a sleep-paralysis and walking-sleep saying that, there were so many ghost in this house. I'm not sure about the name of the boy but it's like Jimmy what.
So, the point, the ghost wants the kid, but doesn't want the house. I mean, the ghost is living in the boy's body, not lived in the house.
Finally, the family called Elise to helped them from the ghost. Btw, Elise is a supernatural who usually helped people from ghost or anything.
But Elise said, that ghost was the strongest energy that will be in her entire life.
The end of the story is, Elise is in coma but the kid was saved.

See you at the next page, bye now ! :) :) :) :) :)
Please give me a feedback / some feedbacks about my pages. No human is perfect so do i,grammatical error could be happened everytime ! Just put your feedback(s) at the comment box below, or @davidimmanuel17 at LINE everytime, much appreciated !

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2016

Cookie Run

         Hello again at my 2nd  page ! Now I’m gonna tell you about Cookie Run.Cookie run is a game, where you should help the cookies escape from the oven. 

         So the story is, when the cookies were in dough condition, suddenly Brave Cookie, was given a power to feel, and everything same-like human with his fragile body, he heard that the Witch will eat them cruelly, with his touch, he could awake all cookies there, there were Bright Cookies that made by lollipop beside her, Strawberry cookie with her Strawberry costume, Muscle Cookie with his big muscles, Cloud cookie with his fluffy cotton candy hair, Coffee cookie with her sweet warm coffee and manyyy more !

          I recommend this game for you because it is soo fun I can’t even tell you xx. Cookie run is available in iOS and Google Play.

          Also, how to play this game is, there are 2 buttons those are located at the bottom left and right. The left one is jump and the right one is slide

Hasil gambar untuk cookie run playing screen

These are the characters, but the deck has been expanded to.. approx like 50 cookies for the total.\

Hasil gambar untuk cookie run playing screen

These are the buttons !

Sorry for the blur pictures T^T, I stole them from internet but I promise, I will post my REAL playing to all of you ! Also add me on LINE : davidimmanuel17, let’s be friends !

BYE BYE !!!!!! 

It's Me

          Hello, my name is David Immanuel, you can call me Vid instead of  Dav. my school is SMAN 3 Bandung that is located at Jl.Belitung, i'm not sure about the number XD. Also, my hobby is playing my cellphone, because it is so fun, trust me. I don’t play computer games since my computer broken and, nobody can helped it.

          And, my favourite game ever is Cookie Run, I have been playing it since I was at 7th grader and I never get bored of it, but now I don’t play it so often like before, because of my school works those are frustrating L and I go go home at 16.00 everyday, not included my time to go to my house so my approx is like 17.00 or sometimes I go home early at 12.15 J.
          But it’s ok tho, there’s still Saturday, the only day that I can do my activities freely without my school works ( I did all my homeworks at school XD) so, yeah Friday is my favourite day, it is so close to Saturday !
          And, I chose English as my Lintas Minat because I’m interested at it and making blog is my favourite activity, I can write whatever that I want.

          And, oh! By the way, I wrote this blog just now because last Thursday, I accidentally went home without any information about my lintas minat, but it’s ok hehe I don’t late too far.

                             Hasil gambar untuk cookie run new season          
                                                    This is the game !   Cookie Run !

                                     BYE BYE ! SEE YOU ON MY NEXT PAGE